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Can Cats Eat Guava? Scroll Down To Learn More About Your Pet!
Tropical fruits like guavas are the best treat you need for your hot summer.
Cat keepers must be eager to share their fantastic experience with their pets, but is it a good idea? Can cats eat guava?
A cat's digestive system is different from ours. So before feeding your pet any fruit, please check if it's safe.
Today, we will help you better understand cats' diets. If you are a guava lover, do not miss it!
Can Cats Eat Guava?
Yes, cats may eat guava without harm. This fruit contains vitamin C, which is beneficial for your pet's health in general. However, you should also feed guava to cats in moderation.
Guavas have oxalate, which might upset your cat if eaten in large quantities. You should pay attention to digestive problems and the development of bladder stones in cats when giving them guavas.
Besides, guava seeds may choke your cat. So remember to remove all of them before allowing your pet to eat guavas.
Guava also contains many pectins, making your cat feel constipated. Therefore, avoid feeding him too much guava since it may result in intestinal obstruction.
Guava flesh doesn't matter to cats. How about other parts of the fruit? We will discuss each here so you can care for your pet better.
Guava leaves
Guava leaves may taste bitter because of the tannins they have. Some cats don't mind that taste, but some do. Moreover, tannins may result in gastrointestinal discomfort in a few cats.
So, it would be best to start by giving your cat only a few guava leaves and monitor how they respond. If they look fine, you can gradually increase the serving size.
Otherwise, sensitive cats will experience diarrhea or vomiting. If yours is among them, go for other foods.
Guava paste
Guava paste is a condensed and sweetened form of guavas. We often pair it with our desserts, such as crackers or toast.
Unfortunately, the high content of sugar in guava paste will lead to diabetes and obesity in cats. It may also result in digestive upset or perhaps diarrhea or vomiting.
Guava juice
Another way to feed guava to your pet is to crush it to make juice. Since the fruit already contains its natural sugar, you don't need to use any processed form as it will turn out harmful.
On the other hand, packaged and canned guava juice shouldn't be a part of your cat's meal. These products have chemicals and preservatives that upset the animal's digestive system. Hence, we only recommend homemade guava juice.
Guava yogurt
As long as the guava yogurt doesn't include any substances that pose a risk to cats, it may be a nutritious treat.
Due to their carnivorous lifestyle, cats must consume animal-based protein to satisfy their dietary needs. Yet, they can still benefit from dairy foods like yogurt.
Yogurt has active and live cultures to encourage a healthy digestive system in your pet. You can also find beneficial minerals in this product.
However, not all yogurt products can suit cats. It would be best to choose a plain guava yogurt with no additional flavorings or sweeteners.
Besides, avoid yogurts with fruit bits and any ingredients that may lead to an intestinal blockage. This idea is the same as removing the seeds of guava.
Canned guava
Stay away from canned guavas because you don't know the exact ingredients used in such products. Preservatives and chemicals will hurt your feline's digestive system and give him nothing good.
Can Kittens Eat Guava?
Kittens that are younger than six months old have sensitive digestive systems. They may have problems with certain kinds of food.
As a result, do not feed vegetables or fruits to your cat when he is too young. No one can expect the consequences even if they are safe and nutritious.
Some experts say that you can give your kittens guavas in small amounts. Of course, you need to cut them into tiny pieces and remove all their seeds.
Ask your vet first if you want to feed your feline this fruit. And even if he agrees, do it in moderation to protect your pet.
How Many Guavas Should I Feed My Cat?
Too much and too little food for your cat is not a good idea, so you need to find the right balance while also providing food variety.
Due to the high sugar content, guavas are unsuitable for daily treats. So you should only give your pet one or two slices occasionally.
Besides, cats are unique. Hence, it would be advisable to identify your pet's preference. So if the cat doesn't like guavas, don't force him to eat them.
The way you feed guavas to your cat is important. Please follow these steps to do it properly:
- Wash the guava to eliminate pesticides, dirt, and contaminants on the fruit surface.
- Remove the seeds and skin of the guava because these parts can be toxic and hard to consume.
- Cut the guava into pieces. Then, your cat can eat them easily without any risk of choking.
- Start feeding guava pieces to your cat.
- Watch how the feline reacts to the first piece. If you don't notice any adverse effects, increase the serving size.
- You can also squeeze guavas into juice. Remember not to add sugar to the juice, as those fruits are naturally sweet.
Last but not least, always check with your vet before giving your cat any human food since you can't tell if it will be poisonous.
Another reason you'll need consultations is that your cat can be allergic to some substances and ingredients.
Health Benefits of Eating Guava for Cats
Feeding guavas to cats may seem complicated because you have to perform multiple steps. However, you won't complain after realizing those fruits' health benefits to your pet.
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Vitamin A and C
Vitamins A and C are plentiful in guava. Vitamin A improves the cats' vision during the night. It's also crucial for their reproduction, fur, and tooth strength.
On the other hand, vitamin C encourages collagen development in bone, helping your cat in long jumps. Moreover, it prevents numerous bone ailments, such as hip dysplasia and spinal problems.
You can find a rich source of potassium in guavas. This kind of nutrient aids in regulating cardiac and muscle systems in cats. Additionally, it enhances the health of the enzymes and nerves.
Fibers in guavas help with the cats' digestive system. So if your pet has weak digestion, guavas will be what he needs.
Your cats may be more vulnerable to infections and severe diseases if they have a low immune system. And guavas are one of the finest antioxidant-rich foods for enhancing immunity and combating free radicals.
The major ingredient that contributes to your cat's enhanced hemoglobin content is iron. Also, it contains certain enzymes necessary to regulate how the cat's body works.
For the bones and skeletons to develop, calcium is essential. Luckily, guavas have calcium to support nerve and heart health and strong blood coagulation.
Other Fruits That Your Cat Eat
Fruits can be a terrific addition to your cat's meat-based diet. They will provide minerals, fiber, and vitamins while promoting food variety.
However, not all fruits are suitable for cats. If you want to include them in your pet's meals, we highly recommend these options:
- Bananas: Bananas are abundant in potassium, supporting your pet's heart and kidneys. They also come with a huge amount of carbohydrates.
- Blueberries: These fruits are excellent in enhancing a cat's sight and reducing the risk of urinary tract infections. They are also a great source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.
- Melons: Thanks to the high content of water, these fruits can keep your little buddy cool in hot climates. They are rich in vitamins too.
- Apples: If you are looking for calorie-controlled fruits, apples will be your best choice. You will also love their rich fiber and low-fat content.
- Apricots: The beta-carotene content of ripened apricots can help your feline deal with cancer-causing radicals.
- Cranberries: Many cats love the taste of cranberries. They can also work in the prevention of urinary tract diseases.
- Strawberries: These fruits have similar nutritions to guavas. Hence, use them as occasional treats for your cat.
- Pears: The bland flavor of pears is favorable to cats. They are also rich in vitamins and fiber.
- Raspberries: If your old cat suffers from stiff joints, the anti-inflammatory effects of raspberries will help them a lot.
1. What fruits can cats eat?
In addition to guava, cats also like other fruits that are abundant in vitamin C. Bananas, blueberries, seedless watermelon, and strawberries are fruits that cats may consume without getting sick.
But please note that cats are different from one to another. Hence, it may take time to determine the best fruits for your cat.
2. What fruits are poisonous to cats?
Avoid citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, limes, and persimmons since they might upset your feline's stomach. Aside from the toxic ingredients, cherries, raisins, and grapes can harm the kidneys.
3. What are cats allergic to?
Cats have four types of allergies:
- Insects
- Food
- Inhalant (molds, pollen, and house dust)
- Contact
Foods that most cats are allergic to include chicken, fish, beef, and dairy. An ingredient that cats have eaten for a long time can still cause a food allergy at some point in their lives.
Small amounts of coconut milk and flesh are unlikely to cause major harm to cats, but larger amounts will cause stomach problems.
Coconut oil could be beneficial for some cat skin conditions, but coconut water is too rich in potassium to be acceptable for cats.
Besides, some cats can be sensitive to certain kinds of food. So when you feed your pet something he hasn't tried before, watch for signs of allergy and take him to the vet immediately.
4. What foods cause itching in cats?
Cats with food allergies may scratch or itch to react or experience digestive issues, including vomiting or diarrhea.
It's tricky to identify the right type of food that causes itching in cats because it contains multiple ingredients. If you think that your pet has a food allergy, take him to the vet.
Then, the vet will list some possible causes and execute some tests to pinpoint the exact source of the allergy.
5. Can cats eat ice cream?
Yes, but not recommended. You can feed ice cream to your cat but in small amounts. Otherwise, some harmful ingredients will hurt the feline.
The primary ingredients in ice cream are fat and carbs. Cats are obligate carnivores. So, the dairy and sugar in ice cream have little nutritional value.
Moreover, eating a delicacy that is so cold, like ice cream, may cause brain freeze in cats. Your pet can have a terrible headache because brain freeze prompts the blood vessels to tighten and the nerves to react.
So can cats have guava? Yes. Guavas are delicious fruits that cats can eat. They come with nutrients that bring tons of health benefits for your little buddy.
However, only feed guavas to your pet in small amounts. Before feeding, wash the fruits carefully, remove the seeds and skin, then cut them into tiny pieces. These tips will help your pet have a safe, tasty meal.
Hopefully, you will find this guide helpful. For any further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you for reading, and see you in the next post!
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