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Can Cats Eat Nuts? Everything Pet Owners Should Know
As a responsible pet owner, you probably always seek methods to keep your four-legged buddy happy and healthy. So, it is relatively simple to understand the importance of providing your kitties with a balanced diet.
On the other hand, nuts with different varieties are an excellent source of protein and fats for humans. However, can cats eat nuts?
It's a relatively controversial debate. While some nuts can be safe for cats to eat in moderation, others can be toxic or fatal. Are you curious about the answer?
Let's delve into this article to know the truth!
Can Cats Eat Nuts?
The short answer is Yes! Felines can consume nuts, but you should only feed your pets in moderation as occasional treats.
Nuts are not a part of the feline natural diet. These pets are obligate carnivores, requiring animal protein sources in their diet.
Besides, while the nuts aren't strictly poisonous for your fur babies, like garlic, they are relatively harmful for some reasons.
For instance, these foods may cause health problems, such as obesity, allergies, and diarrhea. So, it is not advisable to give nuts to kitties.
Generally, everything has two sides, and nuts are not exceptional. Here are the benefits and specific risks when feeding your cat nuts:
Can cats have nuts? Yes! These foods won't cause severe health issues if you feed your fur babies these treats in moderation.
These foods can be a fantastic source of vital fatty acids, vitamins, protein, and minerals. For this reason, you can add a small amount of these healthy treats to the daily diets of your four-legged companions.
Besides the tremendous nutritional benefits nuts offer your pets, you can consider using them as training tools for mental stimulation in felines.
Although nuts may benefit your pets, these foods may cause potential risks, as shown below!
The risk of weight gain is the main drawback to your four-legged friends eating nuts. These foods are high in calories and fat content.
Thus, it's easy for your pets to develop obesity and several health issues, like respiratory difficulties, diabetes, and arthritis.
When cats consume nuts, they run a severe danger of choking. If your pets are elderly or have problems with their teeth and digestive system, the threat is particularly considerable.
Your fur babies may sleep more than usual or hide away more often after eating nuts; however, cats struggle to convey their sickness to humans. Therefore, you should pay more attention to them to check whether they are healthy.
Vomiting, especially vomit that contains undigested food, can be an intestinal obstruction.
You may have sometimes seen your cat throw up a hairball after hurling, but it's another different case.
The vomiting is more sudden, and the existence of undigested foods is a clear sign of gastric or stomach obstruction.
When your four-legged babies consume an excessive amount of nuts and can't properly digest them due to the fat content, they may suffer from diarrhea.
These animals' digestive systems are not designed to handle large fat amounts.
As a result, your pets experience regular loose stools. It will be uncomfortable and messy for them to move around your house.
Allergic Reactions
Nuts won't be toxic to your pets, but some cats may suffer from allergies.
If your kitties consume these nuts for the first time, they may experience vomiting or diarrhea because their digestive systems can't handle them properly.
Moreover, kitties with nut allergies frequently experience itching, resulting in bald areas.
Some studies show the relationship between diabetes and pancreatitis in felines with weight problems.
Diets high in calories can overwhelm pets' bodies with sugar, causing their pancreas to overproduce insulin as a coping mechanism.
The cat's pancreas can become overworked gradually, leading to acute pancreatitis or chronic diabetes, which needs veterinarian care.
Types Of Nuts That Cats Can Eat
While most nuts are not dangerous for your fur babies, you must categorize the harmful varieties and their suitable amounts.
Cats can occasionally eat almonds without becoming sick. However, it would be best to serve them in moderation since they are abundant in phosphorus and fat.
A modest almond treat won't harm your pets, but giving them a lot of almonds daily can lead to obesity and digestive problems.
Felines can consume nuts like cashews without any problems. These nuts are an excellent source of food fats and protein, which is great for their coat and skin.
Nevertheless, as with other nut varieties, it's best to provide cashews in moderation as occasional treats for your four-legged friends.
Cats can consume walnuts. They are nutritious and healthy treats for your fur babies, offering them proteins, vitamins, and vital fatty acids.
However, because they are rich in calories and fat content, you should serve your pets walnuts occasionally.
Furthermore, to prevent choking dangers, ensure you eliminate the shell from the walnut before giving it to your kittens.
Also, moldy walnuts will harm your pets because fungus produces tremorgenic mycotoxins. Thus, throw them away to ensure their health.
Your fur babies may safely consume pecans, but only if they do so in moderation.
They are a good source of vitamins E and A, two antioxidants that might aid in preventing cell damage in felines.
However, because their fat content is relatively high, you should not regularly add them to your cat's diet.
You needn't be worried if your four-legged companions consume a few pieces of pecans.
Ensure your pets don't eat these foods often to reduce the risks of pancreatitis and digestive issues in felines.
You can also feed your fur babies Pistachios in moderation as occasional treats without any health problems.
These nuts are an excellent potassium source vital for your pet's heart health. They additionally provide vitamin B6, which benefits feline's energy metabolism if you serve correctly.
Types Of Nuts That Cats Cannot Eat
Are nuts bad for cats? It depends on the nut varieties you feed them. It's worth noting that not all nuts are safe for felines to consume. Here are some examples:
Because of their excessive fat content, peanuts are difficult for kitties to digest.
Furthermore, peanuts you purchase typically contain sugar, salt, taste enhancers, and artificial flavors, which are dangerous for your pets.
For this reason, you must always check the ingredients on the package before providing some to your kitties.
What's more, these nuts may cause allergies in particular cats. Despite the rarity of allergic occurrences, it is essential to use caution while handling these foods.
Pine nuts
Pine nuts can be difficult for your pets to digest since they are relatively heavy in fat content (68 g/100 g).
Your kittens may vomit, have diarrhea, or have other gastrointestinal issues after consuming too many nuts.
Besides, they may lead to obesity and pancreatitis when used frequently and in excessive quantities.
Macadamia Nuts
Cats have a severe poisonous response to macadamias. Thus, if you let them try some pieces, they may experience the following symptoms:
- Lethargy
- Vomiting
- Hypothermia
As a result, you should avoid feeding your four-legged companions these foods.
Tips When Feeding Nuts To Cats
Once you know the nut varieties are safe for your pets to consume, you can give them a few bites.
How often can cats eat nuts? You can provide these foods as occasional treats in moderation. Never add them to your pet's regular diet.
Once a week, reward your fur babies with some nuts but keep a close eye on their consumption to ensure they don't overeat.
As mentioned above, nuts generally contain high calories and fat content. They may cause weight gain or other health issues.
Also, it's crucial to pick nuts that won't harm cats because some contain ingredients that might be hazardous to them.
See more cat pictures at: Cat Images
How Many Nuts Can Cats Eat?
It's crucial to remember that your cats shouldn't usually eat nuts. While specific varieties are healthy for kitties to consume in moderation, others may be poisonous or even deadly.
Nuts contain a lot of fat and can upset their digestive system when eaten in considerable quantities.
Generally, you can consider giving the proper amount of nuts (1 - 2) to avoid unwanted issues.
#1. How Often Can I Feed Peanuts To My Cat?
You can let your pets eat 1 - 2 peanuts once a week. Avoid feeding too many because they may lead to diabetes, obesity, and allergy.
#2. Can Cats Eat Peanuts?
The short answer is No! While these foods aren't toxic to your kitties, their fat content is high. Thus, it's hard for them to digest.
#3. Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?
No! It would be best not to feed your fur babies peanut butter. It won't offer nutritional value!
Also, some ingredients in this food, like artificial sweeteners and fat, can be dangerous to felines.
#4. Are Cashews Bad For Cats?
Generally, cashews are relatively safe for felines to consume. However, it would be best if you let them eat in moderation.
These foods may cause pancreatitis due to their fat content if over consumed. If you want to know more about this disease, you can watch this video:
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, cats can consume specific varieties of nuts without any health issues as occasional treats.
While some nuts are safe for cats to eat in moderation, avoiding providing them with them altogether is advisable.
If you want to give your four-legged companions a special treat, stick to cat-friendly snacks like cooked chicken and fish.
As always, consult your veterinarian if you are unsure what is safe for your fur babies to enjoy. Hope this post helps! Thanks for reading!
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