Can Cats Eat Pork? Pro Tips For Feeding Your Cat

3/7/2023 - 2 Comments

Cats may benefit nutritionally from eating pork. However, it's essential to understand the benefits and risks associated with giving them that treatment.

In this post, we'll explore the topic "Can cats eat pork?" and outline the kinds of pork suitable for felines. You can also learn more about how to prepare pork properly for cats. Let's read on to discover!

Can Cats Eat Pork?

Yes. As carnivores, cats love meat-based foods, and pork is a part of their meals. However, there are potential risks when offering your pets this treat.

Cats should only eat pork in moderation because it has benefits and risks. We will discuss each one right now.


Pork is beneficial for humans and cats. Here is what your pets can get from 100 grams of pork:

  • Calories: 297
  • Protein: 7g
  • Water: 53%
  • Fat: 20.8g
  • Carbohydrates: 0


Protein is essential for cats as it helps develop and maintain muscle mass. It will also assist your four-legged pets in supporting their immune system and keeping their coat healthy.


Pork is a good source of numerous nutrients and vitamins, including B6 and B12. They are all necessary for the efficient performance of their immunological, brain, and digestive systems.

Pork is rich in protein and vitamins


Chicken, fish, and pork are different types of meat. However, chicken and fish appear to be more common options. On the other hand, cat owners mostly use pork as an occasional treat due to the following reasons: Fat Chicken is lean, making it the primary protein source for cat foods. Meanwhile, pork has too many fatty globules. As a result, it contributes to weight gain and obesity. The fatty globules also obstruct cats' arteries if ingested too regularly.

The other drawback of fatty meat is that it has less protein than chicken in the same serving size. The protein replaced with fat will surely be less advantageous to cats.

Cats today don't get a lot of exercise. Instead, most of them spend their luxurious lives indoors, barely spending more energy than briefly running.

If cats eat too many fat-based calories, it will take them a very long time to burn them with the little amount of exercise most domestic cats get.


Never give cats processed pork or other similar pork products. One of the top concerns of those foods is the excess sodium content.

Cats eating too much salt may experience hypernatremia, sometimes called sodium poisoning. This issue is severe and demands professional intervention.

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Precautions For Feeding Pork to Your Cat

Pork is safe for cats, but you should always ensure your feline baby is cautious when eating it. To properly feed pork to cats, consider these three tips:

Remove The Bones

Bones are a severe threat. They pose a choking hazard to them, along with potential digestive injury or blockage.

Before offering your furry pets any pork, ensure you have properly removed all of the bones. Also, cut the meat into small pieces so they can consume and digest easily.

Cook Thoroughly

You should cook all types of meat thoroughly before feeding it to cats. This rule also applies to pork.

Pork may carry harmful bacteria. Luckily, cooking it over high heat will kill most of the bacteria, making the food safer.

On the other hand, raw and undercooked meat will be unsafe. If consumed, it may infest cats and cause many health problems.

Feed in Moderation

As discussed earlier, pork can also be an occasional cat treat because of the potential risks. The general rule is: Treats and human foods must not account for more than 10% of cats' daily intake.

Be careful with the sodium and fat content in pork

What Pork to Feed Your Cat?

Pork is nutritious for cats. However, the fat content makes it unsuitable for feeding cats too often. The key here is to choose the best cut of pork. Your options include the following:

Pork tenderloin

This part of the pork is rich in protein while low in fat. Cats can also benefit from vitamins B6 and B1 found in this cut.

Pork loin

This cut of pork is tender and lean. Feeding it to your pets will give them a rich protein, minerals, vitamins, selenium, and zinc source.

Pork chops

This cut contains more fat than the other two. However, if you trim off the excess fat carefully before cooking, it can still be a good choice for cats.

Prepare the pork carefully before feeding it to your pet

How Often Can A Cat Eat Pork?

Limiting pork consumption to lower than 10% of cats' diet is essential. It means that if your cat has two meals a day, include pork only in one meal and prepare it in a small amount.

Keep in mind that cats have particular dietary demands. Hence, you should consider their weight, age, and health condition to satisfy their nutritional needs.

If you are unsure how much pork cats need or have any concerns about their health, consult your vet for advice.

Some human foods are safe for cats. Even so, you have to check carefully before introducing any of them to your furry pets. This video will recommend some viable options in this case:

Feed pork to carts in moderation


You can feed pork to cats as it's a wonderful source of protein and vitamins. However, the high-fat content in pork is unpleasant. As a result, only give it to cats in moderation.

Before feeding cats pork, remember to remove the bones and cook them properly. You should also cut it into small pieces to avoid choking hazards.

We hope that this article can help you understand cats' dietary needs. Don't forget to share it with your beloved friends who are struggling with their pets.

Thank you for reading!

See more:

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About Billy Nguyen
I'm Billy Nguyen, currently CEO/Founder Cat Images, with over 3 years of experience in cat care and training. I hope the knowledge I share brings useful value to promote your pet care effectively.

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